Educational assessment
De Onderzoekerij is commissioned to act as the secretary for the assessment of educational programmes in higher education. We support the assessments of existing programmes (accreditation), as well as assessments for new courses and programmes (initial accreditation assessments, TNOs), and institutional audits (ITKs). As a certified NVAO
De Onderzoekerij advises educational institutions on how to improve the quality of education and research: We offer our support to universities and universities of applied sciences about the steps that must be taken to prepare for an educational or research assessment, such as the writing
De Onderzoekerij
History of De Onderzoekerij De Onderzoekerij was launched in 2007 by Esther Poort and Annemarie Venemans as an evaluation and consulting agency in the public domain. De Onderzoekerij specialises in issues and challenges regarding the quality of higher education. We act as secretaries during educational and research assessments. Furthermore, we